Calving Season: Be Aware of Risks As the 2024 spring calving season gets underway, farmers are being urged to take all necessary precautions when dea... discusses the recent outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in the mid-west, and outlines some measures farmers can take to protect themsel... discusses the predators most likely to attack your flock, and asks: how can we read the signs to identify the predator? The mystery o... discusses the dangers of lead poisoning on the farm, and outlines some measures you can take to prevent your animals from ingesting thi... focusses once more on the theme of farm safety and outlines 5 key safety measures that farmers should take this winter. On the f... outlines how fireworks displays are a source of stress to pets and livestock, and offers some advice on how to keep animals safe next w... discusses the importance of maintaining adequate lighting on tractors, especially during the busy summer season. A loaded weapon As... discusses how spending a lot of time driving a tractor can be harmful to the lower back, and offers farmers some advice on how to re... advises road users to relax when stuck behind slow-moving farm machinery this summer. It's silage season - know what to ...
As summer weather finally reaches Ireland, reminds farmers of the importance of meeting high child safety standards on Irish farms. T...