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Vector Pour-On 5 Litre (Cypermethrin)
Vector Pour-On 5 Litre (Cypermethrin)

Vector Pour-On 5 Litre (Cypermethrin)

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Vector Pour-On is used in the treatment and control of ticks, headflies and biting lice in sheep. Vector Pour-On is also used to prevent blowfly strike.

Active Ingredient: Cypermethrin

Target Species: Sheep

Treats and Controls: Ticks, headflies and biting lice. Can be used to prevent blowfly strike

Administration Method: Pour-On

Length of Protection: Weeks, 10 weeks tick protection

Withdrawal Time: 7 days for sheep intended for meat and offal. Not recommended for sheep producing milk for human consumption

Dosage Rates for Vector Pour-On

Whether treating for blowfly, lice, ticks or headflies there is a different method and application method for each. For best results the proper application gun should be used which can be seen by clicking here. The gun comes complete with all nozzles needed for each application.


Elanco AH
 have created an e-Form which is how you will report any blowfly complaints this year.

This can be done on your smart phone or on a PC, Laptop or iPad using the link below.

How it works:
When the form is completed we get the data instantly and log the details supplied, giving it a PV reference number. We then send an email to the reporter with the PV ref. and tell them an Elanco colleague will call the farmer to get further details and to investigate – this will be a member of our Pharmacovigilance team.

Blowfly Prevention: Not to be administered to animals under 12.5kg. Should be applied with the fan spray nozzle attached. Vector Pour-On should be applied from between the shoulders along the back down to the top of the tail and then from the top of the tail down the rump on each side.

Body Weight Dose Volume Number of full doses per pack
5 Litre
Up to 25kg 20 ml 250
25-40kg 30 ml 166
Over 40kg 40 ml 125

Lice Treatment and Control: 5ml per 20kg bodyweight. Dose not to exceed 20ml. The straight nozzle should be use on the applicator gun. Vector Pour-On should be applied from the shoulders to the top of the tail in a pin line.

Body Weight Dose Volume Number of full doses per pack
5 Litre
Up to 20kg 5 ml 1000
21-40kg 10 ml 500
21-60kg 15 ml 333
Over 60kg 20 ml 250

Tick Treatment and Control: 10ml per 20kg bodyweight. Dose not to exceed 40ml. The straight nozzle should be use on the applicator gun. Vector Pour-On should be applied from the crown of the head to the top of the tail in a pin line.

Body Weight Dose Volume Number of full doses per pack
5 Litre
Up to 20kg 10 ml 500
21-40kg 20 ml 250
21-60kg 30 ml 166
Over 60kg 40 ml 125

Headfly Treatment and Control: 5ml per animal irrespective of bodyweight. The T-bar nozzle should be use on the applicator gun. Vector Pour-On should be applied to the top of the head between the ears. Care should be taken not to get any in the animals eyes.

Body Weight Dose Volume Number of full doses per pack
5 Litre
All sizes 5 ml 1000

Always read the label and all enclosed information for Vector Pour-On before administering to animals!

This Product is only licensed for sale in the Republic of Ireland

Click here to Download Data Sheet

Health Products Regulatory Authority 

Summary of Product Characteristics

Young's Vector 12.5 mg/ml
Pour-on Solution

Each ml contains:
Active substance
Cypermethrin tech. (cis: trans / 80:20) 12.5 mg

Green S dye (E142) 0.2 mg
For a full list of excipients see section 6.1.

Pour-on solution.
A clear, blue solution

4.1 Target Species


4.2 Indications for use, specifying the target species
For the treatment and control of headflies.
For the treatment and prevention of Ixodes ricinus tick infestation (one treatment will give 10 weeks cover) and treatment of biting lice in sheep.
For the prevention and treatment of blowfly strike in sheep

4.3 Contraindications
Do not use in lambs less than one week old.
For the prevention of blowfly strike; do not administer to animals of less than 12.5 kg bodyweight.
Do not use in cases of known hypersensitivity to the active ingredient

4.4 Special warnings for each target species
Please see section 4.6.

4.5 Special precautions for use
i) Special precautions for use in animals

Avoid treating very young lambs if the weather is unseasonably hot.
The product minimises mothering-up problems after treatment.
However, care must be taken not to apply the product right to the lamb’s tail, as a ewe recognises a young lamb partly by the smell of the tail area.
Blowflies are attracted by dirty, damp wool or open wounds.
The most common site for fly strike is the rump due to soiling caused by diarrhoea and urine staining.
The efficacy of the product is reduced in the presence of soiled or dirty wool.
Therefore, sheep must be crutched (dagged) regularly and appropriate worm control measures employed.
Take care not to apply product in the sheep’s eyes.

This precaution should be observed particularly when treating breeds with little wool on their heads.
Full operating and maintenance instructions, including details on the use of nozzles are supplied with each applicator gun.
Please read carefully before use.
Maintain applicator gun carefully to ensure accurate dosage.
For external use only. 

ii) Special precautions to be taken by the person administering the veterinary medicinal product to animals Butyl dioxitol is slightly irritating to skin and moderately irritating to eyes.
Wear protective clothing, rubber gloves and boots when applying the product.
Wear a dust mask when applying as a fan-spray for the prevention of blowfly strike.
Wash splashes from skin and eyes immediately.
Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst using the product.
Wash hands and exposed skin before eating, drinking or smoking and after work.
Use in a well-ventilated area.
In a few instances operators may experience a mild tingling sensation of the face when using the product.
Avoid handling sheep immediately after treatment.

iii) Other precautions See section 6.6

4.6 Adverse reactions (frequency and seriousness)
Transient adverse effects may occur.
These include irritation, ataxia, inco-ordination and flaccid semi-paralysis.
In most of the reported literature studies and toxicity trials these signs disappeared fairly rapidly and the animals generally recovered within a week.
The most severe side effects were observed in very young lambs (1-2 days old) and the product is therefore contra-indicated in lambs less than one week old.

4.7 Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay
Whilst there is no specific data available on the use of the product in pregnant ewes, laboratory studies (in rats and rabbits) have shown that cypermethrin has no teratogenic or mutagenic effect.

4.8 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interactions
The product must be applied only with the recommended applicator gun, as the product may have a detrimental effect on certain components of conventional dosing guns

4.9 Amounts to be administered and administration route
The product is administered by means of a Youngs’s Endecto applicator gun as follows:
To ensure a correct dosage, bodyweight should be determined as accurately as possible.

Lice: 5 ml per 20 kg bodyweight up to a maximum of 20 ml.

Bodyweight          Dose             Doses per litre
Up to 20 kg            5 ml                    200
 21 to 40 kg          10 ml                   100
 41 to 60 kg          15 ml                     66
 Over 60 kg          20 ml                     50 

Using the straight nozzle on the applicator gun, apply as a pin-stream from the shoulders to the rump along the middle of the backline.

Sheep may be treated off-shears or at any time during the year.
Adult sheep and lambs
over 10 kg: 10 ml per 20 kg bodyweight, up to a maximum of 40 ml.
One treatment will give 10 weeks cover.

Lambs under 10 kg:
5 ml followed 3 weeks later by a 10 ml application.

Bodyweight             Dose                Doses per litre
Up to 10 kg               5 ml                         200
 11 to 20 kg             10 ml                         100
 21 to 40 kg             20 ml                           50
 41 to 60 kg             30 ml                           33
 Over 60 kg             40 ml                           25

Using the straight nozzle on the applicator gun, apply as a pin-stream from the crown of the head to the top of the rump. 

5 ml per animal irrespective of size.
Apply to the top of the head between the ears using the T-bar nozzle.
Take care not to apply product in the sheep’s eyes.
One application of the product before the start of the headfly season will give up to 4 weeks protection.
Re-treat as required.

Prevention of blowfly strike

Bodyweight                Dose                     Doses per litre
 Up to 25 kg*               20 ml                          50
 25 to 40 kg                 30 ml                          33
 Over 40 kg                 40 ml                          25 *

Do not administer to animals of less than 12.5 kg bodyweight.
Apply as a fan-spray to the surface of the fleece on the back and hindquarters of the sheep using the applicator gun fitted with the fan-spray nozzle.
Half the dose should be applied to the shoulders, back and flanks, and half to the rump.
The distance between the nozzle and the fleece should be approximately 20 cm.
Each dose will require 2 or 3 sweeps to apply.

One application will give 6-8 weeks protection.
Re-treat as required.
Treatment of blowfly strike
Apply directly to the affected parts at the rate of 2.5 ml per 100-150 cm2 (roughly the size of a hand).
The T-bar nozzle should be used.
Most strikes will require 5-10 ml.
Ensure that the affected parts are treated.
A single application is sufficient to ensure that larvae are expelled and killed within a few hours.
This product contains a blue dye to aid in the identification of treated animals.
The colour is temporary and will fade from the fleece within 7 days of application, depending upon fleece length and weather conditions.

4.10 Overdose (symptoms, emergency procedures, antidotes), if necessary
Toxic signs in mammals are tremors, hyperexcitability, salivation, choreoathetosis and paralysis, rarely leading to death. Usually the signs disappear rapidly and the animals recover, generally within a week.
There is no specific antidote but symptomatic therapy can be given if considered necessary.

4.11 Withdrawal period(s)
Animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment.
Sheep may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 7 days from the last treatment.

Milk: 5 days

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Ectoparasiticides for topical use; pyrethroids

ATCvet Code:

5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
Cypermethrin is a neuropoison acting on the axons in the peripheral and central nervous system by interacting with sodium channels in insects

5.2 Pharmacokinetic particulars
Synthetic pyrethroids are generally metabolised in mammals through ester hydrolysis, oxidation and conjugation and there is no tendency to accumulate in tissues. 

6.1 List of excipients

Green S dye (E142)
Butyl dioxitol

6.2 Major incompatibilities
None known

6.3 Shelf-life
Shelf-life of the veterinary medicinal product as packaged for sale: 2 years

6.4 Special precautions for storage
Store in original container, tightly closed in a safe place.
Do not store above 25°C Protect from light.
Store away from food, drink and animal feeding stuffs

6.5 Nature and composition of immediate packaging
2.5 litre or 5 litre white, opaque, high density polyethylene flexi-pack, closed with a white, polypropylene screw cap and surlyn coated foil induction seal

6.6 Special precautions for the disposal of unused veterinary medicinal products or waste materials derived from the use of such products
Harmful to fish.
Harmful to aquatic invertebrates and may have harmful effects to dung fauna and insects.
Do not contaminate ponds, waterways and ditches with the product or used container.
Wash out container thoroughly. Any unused veterinary medicinal product or waste materials derived from such veterinary medicinal product should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements

Elanco GmbH
Heinz-Lohmann-Strasse 4
27472 Cuxhaven


Date of first authorisation: 10 June 1999
Date of last renewal: 09 June 2009

July 2021

Sheep Pour-ons and spot-ons
Pour-ons and spot-ons need to be applied accurately and each manufacturer may recommend subtle differences. Use appropriate and calibrated guns, always clean with warm soapy water and then rinse after use. Store in a safe dry place. When treating sheep with these products, make sure they are applied along the back line. If placed to one side, the product will not spread evenly around the body. No pour-on or spot-on is effective against sheep scab.

The Four Stroke Method: The four stroke method ensures the pour-on is applied evenly by applying a quarter of the application at a time in four simple strokes.

1) 1/4 applied from between the shoulders to middle of back
2) 1/4 applied from middle of back to top of animals tail
3) 1/4 applied from one side of the animals tail down the crutch
4) 1/4 applied from other side of tail down the other crutch



Blowfly is the main external parasite traditionally affecting sheep in the late spring and summer months. Changing weather patterns have resulted in an increasingly unpredictable and lengthening season. Blowflies are attracted to lay their eggs on areas of soiling or damage (wounds) on the animal, or on carcasses. Therefore, the key to blowfly control is to minimise breeding opportunities by:

  • Managing deadstock: remove deadstock as quickly as possible, and keep deadstock covered while waiting for collection.
  • Managing flock health:  minimise faecal soiling through good worm control and fleece management, and through treating wounds, including foot infections.
  • Using a preventative treatment early in the season: prevent established blowfly strike in the flock to protect the sheep and to prevent those first waves of flies from breeding. Doing this will massively reduce blowfly numbers, and strike risk, later in the season.

Delivery Information

Delivery Service

Here at Agridirect we have joined forces with DPD to ensure all packages are delivered promptly and safely to you. We ship to all mainland countries within the EU. Deliveries take place Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays. Once your order has been dispatched from our warehouse you will be notified by email. If there is a delay with your order for any reason you will be contacted immediately. 

Due to Brexit we are temporarily unable to ship to the UK. Shipping to Northern Ireland will remain in place.

Delivery Times
Ireland (ROI & NI) EU (Mainland Only)
2-4 Working Days 4-6 Working Days

Some products have an extended delivery time, this is noted on the products.

Delivery Rates

Country Orders Under €129 Orders Over €129
Ireland (ROI & NI) €7.99 €0.00
Austria €39.99 €32.00
Belgium €36.99 €29.00
Czech Republic €39.99 €32.00
Denmark €39.99 €32.00
Finland €51.99 €45.00
France €36.99 €29.00
Germany €36.99 €29.00
Hungary €43.99 €37.00
Italy €49.99 €42.00
Luxenburg €36.99 €29.00
Netherlands €36.99 €29.00
Poland €36.99 €29.00
Portugal €51.99 €45.00
Slovakia €43.99 €37.00
Slovenia €43.99 €37.00
Spain €49.99 €42.00
Sweden €49.99 €42.00


A selection of the products we sell are only licensed for sale within the Republic Of Ireland and can not be shipped outside of the country. These products are noted as only being available within the Republic of Ireland on the individual product pages.

There may be an addition charge on certain bulky items. This charge will be clearly marked on an applicable products and will be explained on the checkout page before payment has been made.

Agridirect Returns Policy

We’re sorry your purchase didn’t work out. But don’t worry; we have a great returns policy to help you out.

All purchases can be returned to us within 14 days of delivery and returned goods must be received within 14 days from the date you informed us of the return.

Purchases may be opened for inspection but must not be used and must be repackaged securely in the original packaging if you wish to return it.

If we discover goods have been used or there has been a loss in value of the goods due to damage to the goods, while in your care or whilst being returned to us, we will reduce the amount refunded, which may amount to the full cost of the product, to cover loss of value of goods.

All returns should be complete which includes boxes, manuals and accessories that may have been included with the order.

All returns must be packaged appropriately for shipping, we will not accept responsibility for damages or loss which occur during shipping of a return product.

We accept no responsibility for goods damaged or lost while in transit to us. 

How do I return a product?

We have partnered with DPD to make your returns process easy and secure. simply follow the steps below and bring your package to an official DPD pickup point.

1) All returns must be accompanied with a fully filled out returns form which can be downloaded here.

2) To print off your return label click here or visit and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure and use your order number as your reference.

  • Select “Continue as Guest”
  • Select “Agridirect” from the drop-down menu
  • Select your reason for returning
  • Select the size of the package you wish to return
  • Accept DPD’s terms and conditions
  • Fill in your payment details
  • Fill in your own details
  • Follow the instructions to print off your label

3) Bring your package to a DPD pickup point. To find your nearest drop off point here.

Once the returned product has been received into our warehouse and been fully inspected a refund will be issued.

If you choose not to use the DPD returns service we recommend that you use a method that can be tracked.

For the return of bulk products please contact us at

I have received a damaged product from you, what should I do?

First off, if you have received a damaged electrical product from us, do not plug it in. Any electrical products that are plugged in are deemed ‘as used and accepted’ and are not accepted as returns. All damages must be reported to us via phone or email within 24hours of receipt of goods. Please ensure you check your items upon delivery.

How do I begin the returns process?

If you wish to begin the return process, please email us at and ensure the following information is included in your email. Your name, phone number, Order id, the item you wish to return, reason for return and if the product is damaged we require photos of the product.

Once you have sent us all required information a member of our team will assess your claim and will contact you as soon as possible. Please hold off on returning products until a member of our team has called you to confirm.


Once the returned product has been returned to us and fully inspected a refund will be issued.

Please Note: A typical timeline for a refund to show in your account is up to 10 working days from the date processed, depending on your bank.



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