Eligible farmers need to be aware that the closing date for applications to the National Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme (NDBWS) is fast approaching. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has advised applicants that they must submit their application before the 2nd of May 2023 in order to be considered for payment. This may come as a surprise to some farmers, given that the details of the scheme have received relatively little attention in media circles.
While the payments on this scheme are not enormous, all eligible farmers should nonetheless apply if possible. Very few of us can afford to snub additional payments in the current economic climate and the scheme’s requirements are hardly excessive. The scheme is, in essence, an opportunity for eligible beef and dairy men to make a few extra euro at very little expense.
The National Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme: what is it?
According to DAFM, the scheme has been established as a support to farmers rearing progeny from the dairy herd, and will help to further integrate the dairy and beef sectors. The scheme is intended to help participants make the best decisions for their farms based on quality herd performance data. It is anticipated that this in turn will help to improve the economic and environmental efficiency of beef and dairy herds in Ireland.
Am I eligible for the scheme?
The scheme’s eligibility requirements are not particularly strict, and it should be open to farmers from a wide array of backgrounds. In order to be deemed eligible to apply, an individual must:
- Have an active herd number (with Herd Owner status)
- Complete and submit a Basic Income Support for Sustainability application in the year 2023
- Have in the herd at least 5 male calves of a dairy breed OR male or female calves of a beef breed sire born to a dairy breed dam
In addition, to be deemed eligible calves must be at least 12 weeks old at the time of weighing and be registered to your holding for at least 10 days prior to the date of weighing. Calves entered on the scheme must have been born between the 1st of July 2022 and the 30th of June 2023. Once calves are weighed, their respective weights must be submitted to the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF).
What is the scheme worth to me?
Farmers may receive up to €20 for each eligible calf weighed. However, it is important to note that a minimum of 5 calves must be weighed; while payment can be received on a maximum of 50 eligible animals. Payments will not be made if weights are not submitted to the ICBF.
DAFM advises that payments for this scheme will be made in December of 2023.
How can I apply?
All applications for this scheme must be made via agfood.ie before the 2nd of May. Applicants are advised to read the Terms and Conditions carefully before making an application.