The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) today announced that the TAMS 3 Low Emission Slurry Spreading Scheme (LESS) is now open for applications. The purpose of all Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Schemes (TAMS), such as this one, is to enable farmers to improve the quality of buildings and agricultural equipment in use on their farms.
It is expected that such investments will serve to improve the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Irish farms.
Environmentally Sustainable Technology
LESS payments will be granted to farmers to facilitate the purchase of new equipment for spreading slurry. The scheme will fund the purchase of more environmentally sustainable technology for spreading slurry, with the aim of reducing volumes of ammonia and other nitrogen emissions from soil.
According to DAFM, the use of LESS-supported slurry technology will facilitate improved nutrient recovery from slurries as well as nutrient use efficiency. Furthermore, LESS-supported technologies will help to reduce farmers’ dependency on chemical fertilisers. This last point has to be particularly appealing to most farmers, given the volatility in the fertiliser market that we have seen over the last year or so.
LESS: Investment Floor and Ceiling
It is important to note that there is a clear floor and ceiling in terms of the size of the investment for which LESS grant aid will be granted. The Government website stresses that “LESS Grant-aid will be paid on approved, completed, and eligible expenditure and shall be paid at a rate of 60% up to the applicable maximum LESS investment ceiling.” However, these payments can be made on a maximum investment of €40,000, which represents the aforementioned ceiling.
In cases where two or more farmers are participating in an eligible farm partnership, this maximum investment may be raised to a ceiling of €60,000. The minimum investment (i.e. the floor) that will be deemed eligible for the 60% grant aid is €2,000.
In summary, then, it seems that farmers approved for LESS may receive 60% grant aid on any eligible investment of between €2,000 and €40,000. Or, in cases of farm partnerships, between €2,000 and €60,000.
Making an Application
According to today’s Government statement, more than one application per tranche is permitted. Applications for the new Low Emission Slurry Spreading Scheme can be made via the applicant’s agfood account. It is important that all applicants read the Terms and Conditions and the LESS Marking Sheet carefully before submitting an application.